Social Concerns
"Putting our faith into action serving the needs of others."
It has been over 25 years since the Social Concerns Committee was formed as part of the CTK community. Since that time the group has grown and continues to grow, but the original mission remains much the same.
Social Concerns members are dedicated to expanding the awareness of how we can live the Gospel in our daily lives by becoming more service oriented and helping to meet the needs of our Christ the King family and reach out to our Quad City community and to others in need around the World.
As the years have passed CTK Social Concerns has grown to nearly 50 active members and the scope of our charitable outreach has grown to support not only our own parishioners but many local, national and world-wide programs.
Local Projects include providing backpacks and school supplies for Catholic grade school children in need, Elder Tree Gifts for homebound and nursing home patients, Thanksgiving/ Christmas food baskets and much more.
We cannot do this without your help. Various fundraisers are held each year like our huge Garden of Eden (yard) Sale. In recent months several area restaurants have generously donated a percentage of their day’s profits on a given day. (Watch for the coupons in the church bulletin) Other monies are derived though personal gifts and bequeaths
We need every member of Christ the King to help us reach out to all those in need. We invite anyone interested to come to a Social Concerns meeting at 1:00 PM on the second Tuesday of the month and see how you might be able to help us to help others.

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